Vital Tones Long-Term Memory Pro - Android App
The Vital Tones Long-Term Memory app is designed to aid in the recovery and enhancement of long-term memory retention and retrieval using specialized brainwave treatments.
Long-term memory, often referred to as reference memory, plays a crucial role in nearly every task we perform. It consists of explicit memory (declarative), which includes episodic memory, semantic memory, and autobiographical memory, as well as implicit memory (procedural memory).
Research suggests that specific brain regions, such as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, and entorhinal cortex, are influential in memory consolidation and retention.
The Vital Tones Long-Term Memory app offers three unique sessions, each lasting 22 minutes. These sessions are meticulously crafted to target different aspects of long-term memory and facilitate its recovery and improvement.
It is essential to recognize that even individuals who believe they possess exceptional memory abilities may benefit from this therapy. There are instances when memory function declines or finding solutions to problems becomes challenging. During such times, the app's brainwave treatments can provide valuable support.